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Measurement and Evaluation

Need Proof? Expert Evaluation . . . Measurement by Your Metrics

How do you know you are getting a return on your investment of training dollars? Many clients tell us they do not have the time or the tools to accurately assess specific needs prior to implementing a learning solution or to measure the business impact afterward.

Wilson Learning has the expertise and experience to provide reliable data you can use to pinpoint the areas where your training investment will have the greatest payoff and to demonstrate what your employees have learned, as well as the impact on performance.

"This investment has immense potential impact to our company's future bottom line. Together with an aggressive training schedule, our employees are being offered a world class . . . development opportunity."
— V.P. Human Resources, Large Aviation Manufacturing Company

Impact Evaluation for Proof of Results

Wilson Learning measurement capabilities can provide the information you need to demonstrate the business impact of your learning initiatives.

Evaluation options include:

  • Post-program Impact Surveys, which measure behavior and changes in performance
  • Opportunity Win/Loss Reviews, designed for sales professionals, that look at performance changes using a case study approach
  • Business Metrics Analysis, a research-based approach that focuses on a specific metric defined by you (e.g., revenue, quota, sales productivity)

Impact evaluation methods and tools can be customized to your specific environment and business priorities.