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Strategic Partners

Dr. William L. Ury

Dr. William L. Ury has partnered with Wilson Learning for many years. Dr. Ury co-founded Harvard's Program on Negotiation, where he currently directs the Global Negotiation Project. He is coauthor (with Roger Fisher) of Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, a five-million-copy best seller translated into more than 20 languages. The negotiation techniques in this book serve as the foundation for Wilson Learning's Negotiating to Yes sales and leadership effectiveness offerings.

Hogan Assessment Systems

Hogan Assessment Systems provides the industry standard in research-based personality assessment and development products that enhance the predictive power of employee selection and development. With over 20 years of experience in delivering positive, proven results across a broad range of industries, Hogan Assessment Systems helps CEOs, executives, and HR professionals maximize the effectiveness of their individuals and organizations.

The Innovator Company

The Innovator Company develops strategic focusing products and provides consulting services in all industry segments. The Innovator uses voting software and wireless handheld keypads to focus strategic group dialogue by quickly and anonymously prioritizing issues and ideas.

Quarto Consulting LTD

Wilson Learning and Quarto Consulting LTD have been business partners for over 10 years, collaborating to design, develop, deliver, and evaluate large-scale programs/interventions. Quarto has provided invaluable content and design, specifically in Wilson Learning's programs Consulting with Clients and Turning Information into Sales.

Upfront/dAK and Co., Partners in Learning

Upfront/dAK and Co., Partners in Learning, is Wilson Learning's partner in providing the solution UPFRONT Persuasion Through Presentation. Organizations that take advantage of UPFRONT will develop and deliver more clear, concise, and compelling presentations that have an immediate impact on effectively influencing any audience into action.