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Driving Results

Shifting Your Organization Out of "Park" and Into "Drive"

When the bottom line is the top line, Wilson Learning creates performance improvement solutions that help you achieve the business results you need. We are flexible and responsive, and we work rigorously to ensure every learning solution advances the targeted skills and behaviors to drive business results.

We are about helping our clients succeed. We believe our clients find that comforting as they operate in a highly competitive marketplace. Let us share some bottom line results, as double digit performance improvement numbers speak much louder than words:

Client: Global Communications and Media Corporation
Bottom line: $17 million in revenue attributed from the skills learned

Client: Global Air Fleet Operator
Bottom line: Operating efficiencies improved 56%

Client: Global Chemical Manufacturing Company
Bottom line: $12.8 million attributed from the skills learned

Client: National Insurance Company
Bottom line: Increased productivity 11% by improving how revenue generation and risk management teams cooperate and resolve issues.

Client: Global Fine Art Auction House
Bottom line: Increased revenue by 18% through advanced negotiation skills

Client: Software Company
Bottom line: 4:1 return on investment with a 31% increase in business attributed to the training

Want to shift your organization into "Drive?" Contact us at 800.328.7937 or by clicking here.